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Auto-Correct-Art - Ortho reflex - s, ss or z


Workshop Series: 6 activity sheets

Using frequent words, the child appropriates the different rules and regularities for writing the sounds [s] and [z] using the letters s , ss and z .

Includes: Cards + regular game pieces (cardboard)

Starting from 7 years old

detailed description

Auto-Correct-Art is a fun and stimulating learning method. The child works at his own pace, self-evaluates and self-corrects in a fun way. He learns new things while developing his autonomy, his self-confidence and his desire to succeed.

The child asks for it and asks for more!

How to play :

Examples of exercises:

Objectives of the exercises:

This set is part of the Ortho reflex series where the child develops strategies to master spelling. It presents the different rules and regularities for writing the sounds [s] and [z] using the letters s , ss and z .

The child will develop:

  • knowledge of spelling rules and regularities (spell processing)
  • its usual spelling for frequent words