SoapSox® is more than a brand. SoapSox® is a community of parents, friends and families with a common goal of raising happy, healthy children. And that starts with making bath time what it should be.
SoapSox® began when Founder and CEO Ray Phillips worked as a program director at a residential treatment facility with children who had experienced trauma. Ray found that one of the hardest times of the day was bath time. The children were arguing, crying and even trying to hide to avoid taking a bath.
After repeated struggles with a child who didn't want to part with his favorite stuffed animal for bathing, Ray came up with the idea of modifying it to hold soap - the child was introduced to the stuffed animal so modified and agreed to bathe.
But, Ray found that no product like this existed on the market.
Finally! An adorable new line of plush friends that kids can take to playtime...bath time!
SoapSox®, the next generation of washcloths for kids!
7 products