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Passe-Partout - Tales no. 6 - The little frog who dreamed of dancing


Two stories in each issue

The little frog who dreamed of dancing
Julie's biggest dream was to dance. But she couldn't, because she couldn't hear the music. One evening, a wonderful thing happened: a loudspeaker that was playing music fell on the floor and it began to vibrate. It was like tickling for the little frog who felt each of these vibrations in his body. She could finally dance to the rhythm of the music. The downstairs neighbour, an old tortoise called Monsieur Bourru, had come upstairs to complain about the noise, but he let the ambience get the better of him and after a while he realized the dancing had healed him. his old bones.

A Magical Christmas
Vincent lived with his parents in a very small village, near the North Pole. He had a lot of fun sculpting snow figures. But he was often alone and bored. As Christmas approached, he had the idea of ​​writing a letter asking for a little brother who would play with him. Santa Claus was very annoyed, because he was unable to grant this wish. But his elf Rascal had an idea. On Christmas night, while passing over Vincent's house, Santa Claus dropped some magic powder, and the next morning all of Vincent's snow sculptures were alive, ready to play with him!