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Passe-Partout - Tales no. 5 - The marmot and the bear cub who hated winter


Two stories in each issue

The marmot and the bear cub who hated winter
Mouki the groundhog and Philippe the bear hate winter because they have to spend all those long months sleeping. They decide to set the hands of their alarm clock so that it rings before the arrival of spring. But when they wake up, in the middle of winter, they discover that the water is freezing and that in the snowy forest there is not much to eat, except frozen bark and buds.

The Ghost Ball
Every fall, Bloop's parents organize a big party in their mansion to which they invite all their ghost friends. But the sudden arrival of a family of humans, made up of two dads and a little girl, disrupts this custom. Bloop's parents, who are terribly afraid of humans, decide to cancel the ball. On the other hand, this family of humans is not afraid of ghosts, and despite all his efforts, Bloop cannot scare them away. For the ball to take place, there is only one solution: the two families must get to know each other.